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Ordinance amending the 2022 Whatcom County Budget, request no. 12, in the amount of $4,068,703
Supplemental #12 requests funding from the General Fund:
1. To appropriate $1,800,173 in all General Fund departments to fund 2022 wage settlements.
2. To appropriate $126,251 in Non Departmental to fund What-Comm E911 equipment from grant proceeds.
3. To appropriate $42,980 in Non Departmental to fund transfer to the Emergency Management Fund to fund new program specialist position.
4. To appropriate $7,000 in Sheriff to fund cold case DNA lab analysis.
5. To appropriate $31,827 in Sheriff to fund FY18 Operation Stonegarden program from grant proceeds.
6. To appropriate $14,003 in Sheriff to fund ballistic vests from grant proceeds.
7. To appropriate $49,566 in WSU Extension to fund lease expenses for new office space.
From the Road Fund:
8. To appropriate $460,573 to fund 2022 wage settlements.
From the Election Reserve Fund:
9. To appropriate $17,371 to fund 2022 wage settlements.
From the Whatcom County Jail Fund:
10. To appropriate $453,478 to fund 2022 wage settlements.
From the Stormwater Fund:
11. To appropriate $18,135 to fund 2022 wage settlements.
From the Behavioral Health Programs Fund:
12. To appropriate $16,469 to fund 2022 wage settlements for Drug Court and Family Treatment Court.
From the Countywide Emergency Medical Services Fund:
13. To appropriate $17,302 to fund 2022 wage settlements.
From the American Rescue Plan Act Fund:
14. To appropriate $500,000 to fund food bank assistance for food purchases.
From the Auditor's O&M Fund:
15. To appropriate $90,000 to fund lifecycle replacement of Auditor recording servers.
From the Emergency Management Fund:
16. To appropriate $19,142 to fund 2022 wage settlements.
17. To appropriate $42,980 to fund new program specialist position from General Fund transfer.
From the Conser...
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