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Ordinance amending the 2023 Whatcom County Budget, request no. 6, in the amount of $6,245,264
Supplemental #6 requests funding from the General Fund:
1. To record $16,804 transfer-in from Behavioral Health Fund for indirect costs.
2. To appropriate $50,000 in District Court Probation to fund additional Domestic Violence Perpatrator Opportunity for Treatment Services program from City of Bellingham funding.
From the Elections Reserve Fund:
3. To appropriate $80,000 to fund elections security improvements from grant proceeds.
From the Homeless Housing Fund:
4. To appropriate $464,359 to fund increase in Commerce Consolidated Housing Grant program.
5. To re-appropriate $912,460 to fund Emergency Solutions - Housing Grant program.
From the Behavioral Health Program Fund:
6. To appropriate $72,631 to fund Alternative Response Team (ART) staffing increase.
7. To record Behavioral Health labor pool adjustment for new ART position.
8. To appropriate $16,804 to fund transfer-out to cover indirect costs.
9. To appropriate $62,000 to fund increase for ART Pilot Program from City of Bellingham pass-through grant proceeds.
From the Countywide Emergency Medical Services Fund:
10. To re-appropriate $120,400 to fund Firefighter recruiting/hiring costs associated with replacement of personnel transferred to the 5th Paramedic Unit.
11. To re-appropriate $61,760 to fund Fire District #5 (Pt Roberts) Basic Life Support services allocation.
From the Ferry Fare Capital Surcharge Fund:
12. To re-appropriate $25,000 to fund PSE study to determine feasibility of supplying charging power for an electric ferry at the ferry terminals.
From the Emergency Management Fund:
13. To appropriate $4,294,850 to fund Emergency Rapid Response Grant program projects as a result of the November 2021 flood.
From the Public Utilities Improvement Fund:
14. To appropriate $45,00...
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