Whatcom County

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Meeting Name: Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/21/2023 6:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Hybrid Meeting
HYBRID MEETING - ADJOURNS BY -- (PARTICIPATE IN-PERSON AT 311 GRAND AVENUE SUITE 101, SEE REMOTE JOIN INSTRUCTIONS AT www.whatcomcounty.us/joinvirtualcouncil, OR CALL 360.778.5010), AGENDA REVISED 2.20.2023 AND 2.21.2023
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Action Summary: Action Summary Action Summary  
Meeting video:  
Attachments: Combined Packet, Agenda Revision for 2.21.2023
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsAudio/Video
MIN2023-014 11.Minutes ConsentHealth Board for January 31, 2023APPROVED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
MIN2023-015 12.Minutes ConsentCommittee of the Whole for February 7, 2023APPROVED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
MIN2023-016 13.Minutes ConsentRegular County Council for February 7, 2023APPROVED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-095 11.Ordinance Requiring a Public HearingOrdinance Regarding Installation of stop signs on certain county roadsADOPTEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-097 12.Ordinance Requiring a Public HearingOrdinance establishing a speed limit for the plat of Harbor View HeightsADOPTEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-046 11.ContractRequest authorization for the County to enter into an agreement between Whatcom County and Sustainable Connections in support of the Whatcom Housing Alliance in the amount of $200,000AUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-089 12.ResolutionResolution ordering the cancellation of accounts receivable incurred prior to 2021APPROVEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-119 13.ContractRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into a contract between Whatcom County and Snohomish County to utilize State Homeland Security Program (SHSP) funding to sustain and enhance Division of Emergency Management programs, in the amount of $80,684   Action details Media Media
AB2023-120 14.InterlocalRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into an interlocal agreement between Whatcom County and US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service for overtime patrol services, in the amount of $21,900.00AUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-123 15.Contract (FCZDBS)Request authorization for the County Executive to enter into an interlocal agreement between Whatcom County and the University of Washington School of Health Sciences to provide specialized technical assistance for an investigation into extrapolated initial recommended instream flow information and subsequent hydrologic updates in support of watershed and salmon recovery planning in the amount of $12,250.00 (Council acting as the Whatcom County Flood Control Zone District Board of Supervisors)AUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-124 16.ContractRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into a contract amendment between Whatcom County and the Whatcom Long Term Recovery Group to provide November 2021 Flood Disaster Case Management through 06/30/2023 in the amount of $200,000 for a total amended contract amount of $400,000AUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-130 17.InterlocalRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into an interlocal agreement between Whatcom County and Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission for approval of the Sheriff’s Office boating safety program, in the amount of $0AUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-131 18.ResolutionResolution ordering the cancellation of unredeemed checks (warrants) more than one year oldAPPROVEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-133 19.InterlocalRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into an interlocal agreement between Whatcom County and U.S. Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Administration for FY23 cooperative agreement, in the amount of $0AUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-134 110.ContractRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into a contract between Whatcom County and Inmate Calling Solutions LLC, a commission based agreementAUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-135 111.InterlocalRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into an interlocal agreement between Whatcom County and City of Lynden to provide no-cost technical assistance site visits and prevention pollution education to small quantity generatorsAUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-136 112.ContractRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into a contract between Whatcom County and Status Automation for maintenance and support for the security electronics and DVMS (digital video monitoring system) at the Main Jail, Jail Work Center and Juvenile Detention in the amount of $52,136.96AUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-137 113.InterlocalRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into an interlocal agreement amendment between Whatcom County and Washington State Department of Social and Health Services for developmental disabilities services in the amount of $519,222 for a total amended amount of $4,616,019AUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-139 114.InterlocalRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into an interlocal agreement amendment between Whatcom County and Washington State Department of Commerce to provide resources necessary to obtain and maintain housing stability to people who are experiencing homelessness or at imminent risk of homelessness in the amount of $1,961,269 for a total amended agreement amount of $10,013,119AUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-141 115.ContractRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into a contract between Whatcom County and Broadview Planning to provide project management of a climate vulnerability assessment focusing on the inclusion of vulnerable communities, in the amount of $60,441AUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-144 116.InterlocalRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into an interlocal amendment between Whatcom County, the Port of Bellingham and the City of Bellingham for additional Economic Development Services in the amount of $72,000AUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-119 13.ContractRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into a contract between Whatcom County and Snohomish County to utilize State Homeland Security Program (SHSP) funding to sustain and enhance Division of Emergency Management programs, in the amount of $80,684AUTHORIZEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-098 11.OrdinanceOrdinance amending the project budget for the Shallow Shore Project Based Budget Fund, request no. 2ADOPTEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-108 12.OrdinanceOrdinance amending the Whatcom County Budget, request no. 3, in the amount of $4,791,300ADOPTEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-090 13.OrdinanceOrdinance repealing Whatcom County Code 1.28, Standards for Correctional Facilities, in its entiretyFAILEDFail Action details Media Media
AB2023-121 14.ResolutionResolution docketing Comprehensive Plan and Development Regulation amendmentsAPPROVEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-107 15.ResolutionResolution accepting the Justice Project Needs Assessment Report (Public Health, Safety, and Justice Facility Needs Assessment)APPROVEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-143 16.Request for MotionRequest authorization for the County Executive/County Executive Pro Tem to sign the Government Entity Release of All Claims on behalf of Whatcom County related to the JUUL e-cigarette multi-district litigation (MDL).APPROVED REQUESTPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-080 11.Council AppointmentAppointment to various vacancies on the Public Health Advisory Board, Applicant(s): Madison Emry, Misty Flowers, Hannah Ordos, Robyn Phillips-Madson, Susan Prosser, Guy Occhiogrosso, Chris Kobdish, Claire Thurman-Moore, Matthew Durkee, Kathleen Hennessy, Jeffery HartAPPOINTED  Action details Media Media
AB2023-118 12.Council AppointmentAppointment to vacancies on the Wildlife Advisory Committee, Applicant(s): Susan Kane-RonningAPPOINTEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-125 13.Council AppointmentAppointments to fill vacancies on the Portage Bay Shellfish Protection District Advisory Committee, Applicant(s): Eleanor HinesAPPOINTEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-126 14.Council AppointmentAppointment to fill vacancies on the Sumas/Everson/Nooksack Flood Control Subzone Advisory Committee, Applicant(s): Elliot Swaney (Council acting as the Flood Control Zone District Board of Supervisors)APPOINTEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-132 15.Council AppointmentAppointments to fill vacancies on the Surface Mining Advisory Committee, Applicant(s): Brad DavisAPPOINTEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-110 16.Council AppointmentAppointment to fill vacancy on the Laurel Watershed Improvement District BoardAPPOINTED  Action details Media Media
AB2023-148 11.Request for MotionLetter of support for the revised scope of the Birch Bay Vogt Library projectAPPROVED REQUESTPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-150 12.Executive AppointmentRequest confirmation of the Executive’s appointment of Piper Mertle to the Whatcom County Salary CommissionCONFIRMEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-122 11.Ordinance Requiring a Public HearingOrdinance updating Whatcom County Code (WCC) 12.36, Load Limits and repealing WCC 10.30, Permanent Weight LimitationsINTRODUCED FOR PUBLIC HEARINGPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-129 12.Council Appointment Requiring IntroductionReceipt of application to fill a vacancy on the Child and Family Well-Being Task Force, Applicant(s): Vann Dartt (Deadline for additional applications to this vacancy is 10 a.m. on Tuesday, February 28, 2023)INTRODUCEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-127 13.Resolution Requiring a Public HearingResolution adopting the Healthy Children’s Fund Implementation PlanSUBSTITUTE INTRODUCED FOR PUBLIC HEARINGPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-156 14.OrdinanceOrdinance suspending Whatcom County Code 1.28 to update the Correctional Facilities Operational StandardsINTRODUCEDPass Action details -

Whatcom County, Washington
311 Grand Avenue | Bellingham, WA 98225 | Phone: 360-778-5000