Whatcom County

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Meeting Name: Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 6/18/2019 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Action Summary: Action Summary Action Summary  
Meeting video:  
Attachments: Combined Packet
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsAudio/Video
MIN2019-042 11.Minutes ConsentSpecial Committee of the Whole AM for June 4, 2019APPROVED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
MIN2019-043 12.Minutes ConsentSpecial Committee of the Whole PM for June 4, 2019APPROVED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
MIN2019-044 13.Minutes ConsentRegular County Council for June 4, 2019APPROVED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2019-354 11.PresentationAnnual Report on Behavioral Health Program FundPRESENTED  Action details Media Media
AB2019-363 11.Special Council Only ItemCouncil seeks public comment on Task 3 (Stakeholder Engagement) of the proposed contract with Transpo Group USA, Inc., related to the Whatcom County ADA plan for public rights-of-way (related proposed contract filed under AB2019-319)PUBLIC TESTIMONY RECEIVED (file not final)  Action details Media Media
AB2019-322 12.OrdinanceOrdinance amending Whatcom County Charter Sections 4.20 (Qualifications) and 6.90 (Illegal Contracts)HELD IN COUNCIL  Action details Media Media
AB2019-308 13.OrdinanceOrdinance suspending Whatcom County Code 1.28 to update the correctional facilities operational standardsADOPTEDPass Action details -
AB2019-336 11.ContractRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into a contract amendment between Whatcom County and Catholic Community Services to add $25,000 in funding for housing case management and $3,325 in subsequent indirect costs to replace the recent loss of funding Catholic Community Services incurred at a comparable amountAUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2019-342 12.ContractRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into a contract between Whatcom County and Whatcom Center for Early Learning to provide Child Development Services, in an estimated amount of $128,400AUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2019-350 13.ContractRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into a contract between Whatcom County and Opportunity Council for Child Development Services, in the estimated amount of $66,120AUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2019-352 14.ContractRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into a contract between Whatcom County and the Opportunity Council to provide funding for the Single Entry Access to Services (SEAS) Program, in the amount of $80,149AUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2019-353 15.AgreementRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into an agreement between Whatcom County and Pioneer Human Services to lease the Behavioral Health Triage Center, in the amount of $10,056AUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2019-357 16.ContractRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into a contract between Whatcom County and Communities In Schools to provide student support services in the Bellingham, Blaine and Ferndale School Districts, in the amount of $136,000AUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2019-334 11.AgreementRequest for authorization for the County Executive to enter into a commercial lease agreement between Whatcom County and Cornwall Center Inc for use of the parking lot at the Bellingham Senior Activity Center in the total amount of $118,260 over five years with cost sharing from the City of Bellingham and Whatcom Council on AgingAUTHORIZEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2019-335 12.InterlocalRequest for authorization for the County Executive to enter into an interlocal agreement between Whatcom County and the City of Bellingham to allow for cost sharing of the parking lot lease at the Bellingham Senior Activity Center in the amount of $78,879 over five yearsAUTHORIZEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2019-338 13.ContractRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into a contract amendment between Whatcom County and Cascade Connections to provide services to individuals with developmental disabilities for an additional year in the estimated amount of $1,145,600 for an estimated total amended contract amount of $3,093,326AUTHORIZEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2019-343 14.ContractRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into a contract amendment between Whatcom County and Work Opportunities to provide services to individuals with developmental disabilities for an additional year in an estimated amount of $478,800 for an estimated total amended contract amount of $1,564,161AUTHORIZEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2019-344 15.ContractRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into a contract amendment between Whatcom County and Kulshan Supported Employment to provide services to individuals with developmental disabilities for an additional year in the estimated amount of $923,125 for an estimated total amended contract amount of $3,404,224AUTHORIZEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2019-345 16.ContractRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into a contract between Whatcom County and Washington Vocational Services to provide employment or community inclusion services to individuals with developmental disabilities, in an estimated amount of $191,225AUTHORIZEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2019-321 17.OrdinanceOrdinance amending the 2019 Whatcom County Budget, request no. 8, in the amount of $508,163ADOPTEDPass Action details -
AB2019-320 18.Resolution (FCZDBS)Resolution amending the 2019 Flood Control Zone District and Subzones Budget, request no. 3, in the amount of $1,560,000 (Council acting as the Whatcom County Flood Control Zone District Board of Supervisors)APPROVEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2019-358 29.ResolutionResolution forwarding Cascadia Law Group’s recommendations for Cherry Point UGA Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code AmendmentsHELD IN COMMITTEE  Action details Media Media
AB2019-319 110.ContractRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into a contract between Whatcom County and Transpo Group USA, Inc., to develop the ADA Compliance for Public Rights of Way in the amount of $145,251.99AUTHORIZEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2019-316 11.OrdinanceOrdinance amending WCC Chapters 20.51 and 20.71 pertaining to tree removal permit procedures, and Chapter 23.10 updating the referenced Critical Areas Ordinance in the Shoreline Management ProgramINTRODUCED FOR PUBLIC HEARINGPass Action details -
AB2019-339 12.OrdinanceOrdinance imposing an interim moratorium on the acceptance and processing of applications and permits for new or expanded facilities in the Cherry Point UGA, the primary purpose of which would be the shipment of unrefined fossil fuels not to be processed at Cherry PointINTRODUCED FOR PUBLIC HEARINGPass Action details -
AB2019-340 13.OrdinanceOrdinance adopting interim zoning regulations for the siting, establishment, and operation of temporary homeless facilitiesINTRODUCED FOR PUBLIC HEARINGPass Action details -
AB2019-347 14.OrdinanceOrdinance granting Northwest Water Association a franchise and the right, privilege, and authority thereunder to locate, set, erect, lay, construct, extend, support, attach, connect, maintain, repair, replace, enlarge, operate and use facilities in, upon, over, under, along, across and through the franchise area to allow for the provision of water servicesINTRODUCED FOR PUBLIC HEARINGPass Action details -

Whatcom County, Washington
311 Grand Avenue | Bellingham, WA 98225 | Phone: 360-778-5000