Whatcom County

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Meeting Name: Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 11/21/2023 6:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Hybrid Meeting
HYBRID MEETING (PARTICIPATE IN-PERSON, SEE REMOTE JOIN INSTRUCTIONS AT www.whatcomcounty.us/joinvirtualcouncil, OR CALL 360.778.5010)
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Action Summary: Action Summary Action Summary  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsAudio/Video
MIN2023-072 11.Minutes ConsentCommittee of the Whole for November 8, 2023APPROVED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
MIN2023-073 12.Minutes ConsentRegular County Council for November 8, 2023APPROVED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-714 11.Ordinance Requiring a Public HearingOrdinance Authorizing the Levy of Taxes for Conservation Futures Purposes for 2024FAILEDFail Action details Media Media
AB2023-760 12.Ordinance Requiring a Public HearingOrdinance authorizing the levy of taxes for Conservation Futures for 2024, in an increased amount of 5.6% from the previous yearADOPTEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-715 13.Ordinance Requiring a Public HearingOrdinance Authorizing the Levy of Taxes for County Road Purposes for 2024ADOPTEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-716 14.Ordinance Requiring a Public HearingOrdinance Authorizing the Levy of Taxes for Countywide Emergency Medical Purposes for 2024ADOPTEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-717 15.Ordinance Requiring a Public HearingOrdinance Authorizing the Levy of Taxes for County and State Purposes in Whatcom County, Washington, for the Year of 2024ADOPTEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-718 16.Resolution (FCZDBS) Requiring a Public HearingResolution authorizing the levy of taxes for the Whatcom County Flood Control Zone District for 2024APPROVEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-721 17.Resolution (FCZDBS) Requiring a Public HearingResolution adopting the 2024 budget for the Whatcom County Flood Control Zone District and Subzones (Council acting as the Flood Control Zone District Board of Supervisors)APPROVEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-729 18.Ordinance Requiring a Public HearingOrdinance amending the 2024 Whatcom County Budget, request no. 1, in the amount of $54,123,315SUBSTITUTE ADOPTEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-737 11.ContractRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into a contract amendment between Whatcom County and Bennett Engineering, LLC to monitor closed landfills in the amount of $46,810 for a total amended contract amount of $83,296AUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-739 12.InterlocalRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into an interlocal agreement amendment between Whatcom County and Washington State Department of Health to fund various public health programs in the amount of $70,889 for a total amended agreement amount of $14,142,658AUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-740 13.ContractRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into a contract amendment between Whatcom County and National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) of Whatcom County to provide mental illness education and support in the amount of $38,000 for a total amended contract amount of $114,000AUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-741 14.Contract (FCZDBS)Request authorization for the County Executive to enter into a grant agreement between Whatcom County and Department of Ecology to provide funding to advance the technical work needed to develop and evaluate flood mitigation alternatives, with focus on the Everson-Sumas overflow corridor, and to support the FLIP planning process and add staffing capacity to the River and Flood division, in the amount of $2,738,00.00 (Council acting as the Whatcom County Flood Control Zone District Board of Supervisors)AUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-745 15.Contract (FCZDBS)Request authorization for the County Executive to enter into a contract between Whatcom County and Osborn Consulting, Inc to provide stormwater improvements, in the amount of $250,149.53 (Council acting as the Whatcom County Flood Control Zone District Board of Supervisors)AUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-753 16.InterlocalRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into an interlocal amendment between Whatcom County and the City of Ferndale to extend the term of the Jail Use Agreement until December 31, 2024AUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-755 17.Contract (FCZDBS)Request authorization for the County Executive to enter into a grant agreement between Whatcom County and the Washington State Military Department to acquire 12 properties within Whatcom County that were substantially damaged during the November 2021 flood, in the amount of $9,371,642 (Council acting as the Whatcom County Flood Control Zone District Board of Supervisors)AUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-756 18.Bid AwardRequest authorization for the County Executive to award bid #23-67 and enter into a contract between Whatcom County and Masterwork Roofing, Inc to replace the roof of the Silver Lake Park Day Lodge, in the amount of $269,000AUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-757 19.Contract (FCZDBS)Request authorization for the County Executive to enter into a contract amendment between Whatcom County and Cooper Zietz Engineers, Inc (dba Akana) to conduct Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) for an additional twelve properties that the Whatcom County Flood Control Zone District is acquiring using FEMA grant funds, in the amount of $50,790 for a total amended amount of $66,995 (Council acting as the Whatcom County Flood Control Zone District Board of Supervisors)AUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-758 110.ContractRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into a three year contract between Whatcom County and Carahsoft Technology Corporation for the purchase, implementation and subscription of the Granicus GovQA public records management software platform in the amount of $270,165.25AUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-759 111.Contract (FCZDBS)Request authorization for the County Executive to enter into a contract amendment between Whatcom County and Herrera Environmental Consultants to provide additional support to update and broaden the scope of the 1999 Lower Nooksack River Comprehensive Flood Hazard Management Plan and continue Floodplain Integrated Planning (FLIP) process support, in the amended amount of $1,207,840 for a total amended amount of $2,407,540 (Council acting as the Whatcom County Flood Control Zone District Board of Supervisors)AUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-761 112.ResolutionResolution approving a salary schedule and policies for Unrepresented Whatcom County employees effective January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024APPROVEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-762 113.InterlocalRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into an interlocal agreement between Whatcom County and Camano Fire and Rescue to reimburse the EMS Levy for the costs incurred while enrolled in the Paramedic training program, in the amount of $28,211.95AUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-764 114.InterlocalRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into an interlocal agreement between Whatcom County and North County Regional Fire Authority to reimburse the EMS Levy for the costs incurred while enrolled in the Paramedic training program, in the amount of $28,211.95AUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-765 115.InterlocalRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into an interlocal agreement between Whatcom County and Marysville Fire District to reimburse the EMS Levy for the costs incurred while enrolled in the Paramedic training program, in the amount of $63,455.25AUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-766 116.InterlocalRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into an interlocal agreement between Whatcom County and Whatcom County Fire Protection District #7 for the provision of Advanced Life Support services, in the amount of $3,189,754.00   Action details Media Media
AB2023-767 117.InterlocalRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into an interlocal agreement between Whatcom County and the City of Bellingham for the provision of Advanced Life Support services, in the amount of $12,830,990.00   Action details Media Media
AB2023-772 118.Bid AwardRequest approval for the County Executive to authorize the purchase of 11 replacement computer servers from CDW-G, using the Washington State Contract/NASPO #05815-021, which expires 01/31/2024, in the amount of $144,649.60AUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-773 119.ContractRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into a contract amendment between Whatcom County and Shawna Bosman, ARNP for examination, diagnosis, testing, coordination of services and oversight on all prescribed medication to ensure youth in Juvenile Detention receive appropriate medical care in the amount of $35,919 for a total amended amount of $131,598AUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-774 120.ContractRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into a contract amendment between Whatcom County and Shawna Bosman, ARNP, for services related to examination, diagnosis, testing coordination of services and oversight on all prescribed medications in the Juvenile Detention Center in the amount of $2,128 for a total amended amount $95,679AUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-766 116.InterlocalRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into an interlocal agreement between Whatcom County and Whatcom County Fire Protection District #7 for the provision of Advanced Life Support services, in the amount of $3,189,754.00HELD IN COMMITTEEPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-767 117.InterlocalRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into an interlocal agreement between Whatcom County and the City of Bellingham for the provision of Advanced Life Support services, in the amount of $12,830,990.00HELD IN COMMITTEEPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-693 11.OrdinanceOrdinance amending the project based budget for the Swift Creek Capital Projects Fund, Request No. 2ADOPTEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-697 12.OrdinanceOrdinance amending the project-based budget for the Jackson Road / Terrell Creek Bridge No. 81 Replacement Fund, request no. 1ADOPTEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-708 13.OrdinanceOrdinance Authorizing an Interfund Loan for the Purchase of Real PropertyADOPTEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-723 14.OrdinanceOrdinance establishing a Whatcom County Climate Action Fund and establishing an initial budget for the Climate Action FundADOPTEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-724 15.OrdinanceOrdinance amending the 2024 Whatcom County Budget, request no. 2, in the amount of $16,303,061ADOPTEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-725 16.OrdinanceOrdinance closing the Triage Center Expansion Fund 374ADOPTEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-726 17.OrdinanceOrdinance amending the project budget for the Integrated Land Records and Permit Management System Fund, request no. 2.ADOPTEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-728 18.OrdinanceOrdinance amending the 2023 Whatcom County Budget, request no. 15, in the amount of 1,295,786ADOPTEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-776 19.ResolutionResolution requesting that the Whatcom County Executive and staff pursue public access opportunities for trails on all county-owned land and easementsAPPROVEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-755 17.Contract (FCZDBS)Request authorization for the County Executive to enter into a grant agreement between Whatcom County and the Washington State Military Department to acquire 12 properties within Whatcom County that were substantially damaged during the November 2021 flood, in the amount of $9,371,642 (Council acting as the Whatcom County Flood Control Zone District Board of Supervisors)   Action details Media Media
AB2023-738 11.Executive AppointmentRequest confirmation of the County Executive’s appointments of Zosia Sherwood, Jennifer Thistle, and Bruce Tabb to the Developmental Disabilities Advisory BoardCONFIRMEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-736 11.Ordinance Requiring a Public HearingOrdinance amending Whatcom County Code Chapter 3.72, Construction projects - apprentice requirements, to align with RCW 39.04.320INTRODUCED FOR PUBLIC HEARINGPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-746 12.OrdinanceOrdinance closing Sudden Valley Stormwater Improvement Fund 371INTRODUCEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-748 13.Ordinance Requiring a Public HearingOrdinance adopting various amendments to Whatcom County Code Title 20, Zoning, and Title 21, Land Division RegulationsINTRODUCED FOR PUBLIC HEARINGPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-752 14.OrdinanceOrdinance closing the Marine Drive, Locust Avenue to Alderwood Avenue Fund 380INTRODUCEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-754 15.OrdinanceOrdinance amending the 2023 Whatcom County Budget, request no. 16, in the amount of 9,531,078INTRODUCEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-775 16.OrdinanceOrdinance amending Whatcom County Code Chapter 2.03, Boards and CommissionsSUBSTITUTE INTRODUCEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-778 17.OrdinanceOrdinance submitting to the qualified voters of Whatcom County a proposal to amend Whatcom County Charter Section 4.30 to expand the standards for conflict of interestSUBSTITUTE INTRODUCEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-755 1 Contract (FCZDBS)Request authorization for the County Executive to enter into a grant agreement between Whatcom County and the Washington State Military Department to acquire 12 properties within Whatcom County that were substantially damaged during the November 2021 flood, in the amount of $9,371,642 (Council acting as the Whatcom County Flood Control Zone District Board of Supervisors)DISCUSSED AND MOTION(S) APPROVED  Action details -

Whatcom County, Washington
311 Grand Avenue | Bellingham, WA 98225 | Phone: 360-778-5000