Whatcom County

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Meeting Name: Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/6/2024 6:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Hybrid Meeting
HYBRID MEETING (PARTICIPATE IN-PERSON, SEE REMOTE JOIN INSTRUCTIONS AT www.whatcomcounty.us/joinvirtualcouncil, OR CALL 360.778.5010), AGENDA REVISED 2.6.2024
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Action Summary: Action Summary Action Summary  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsAudio/Video
MIN2024-004 11.Minutes ConsentCommittee of the Whole for January 23, 2024APPROVED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
MIN2024-005 12.Minutes ConsentRegular County Council for January 23, 2024APPROVED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
MIN2024-006 13.Minutes ConsentHealth Board and Public Health Advisory Board for January 29, 2024APPROVED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2024-098 11.ContractRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into a Local Agency Standard Service Agreement between Whatcom County and Pacific Surveying & Engineering Services, Inc., to provide on-call professional land surveying services for 2024, in the amount not to exceed $100,000AUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2024-099 12.Contract (FCZDBS)Request authorization for the County Executive to enter into a contract amendment between Whatcom County and FLO Analytics to update the Birch Bay Watershed and Aquatic Resources Management (BBWARM) district’s fee roll process in accordance with a rate study that is currently underway in the amount of $50,965.00 for a total amended contract amount of $70,720.00 (Council acting as the Whatcom County Flood Control Zone District Board of Supervisors)AUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2024-102 13.InterlocalRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into a grant agreement between Whatcom County and Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife to support the fish passage barrier remediation program, in the amount of $800,250.00AUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2024-104 14.InterlocalRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into a grant agreement between Whatcom County and the Washington State Department of Ecology to conduct a climate vulnerability assessment and develop shoreline management solutions, in the amount of $250,000.00   Action details Media Media
AB2024-106 15.Contract (FCZDBS)Request authorization for the County Executive to enter into an interlocal agreement between Whatcom County and the Nooksack Indian Tribe where the Flood Control Zone District will reimburse the tribe for 80% of the eligible grant costs for work as outlined in Task 4 of the 2021-2023 Floodplains by Design grant specific to the Fish Camp (Ts’eq) Integrated Fish-Flood Project, in the amount of $880,000 (Council acting as the Whatcom County Flood Control Zone District Board of Supervisors)AUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2024-117 16.ResolutionResolution to declare Whatcom County owned structure located in Bay Horizon Park as worthlessAPPROVEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2024-118 17.ResolutionResolution to declare Whatcom County owned structure located in Hovander Park as worthless   Action details Media Media
AB2024-104 14.InterlocalRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into a grant agreement between Whatcom County and the Washington State Department of Ecology to conduct a climate vulnerability assessment and develop shoreline management solutions, in the amount of $250,000.00AUTHORIZEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2024-118 17.ResolutionResolution to declare Whatcom County owned structure located in Hovander Park as worthlessHELD IN COMMITTEEPass Action details -
AB2024-096 11.OrdinanceOrdinance suspending Whatcom County Code 1.28 to update the Correctional Facilities Operational StandardsADOPTED AS AMENDEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2024-090 12.ResolutionResolution identifying Whatcom County approaches to the fentanyl emergencyDISCUSSED AND MOTION(S) APPROVED  Action details Media Media
AB2024-100 13.OrdinanceOrdinance adopting amendments to Whatcom County Code Title 2 (Administration and Personnel) to abolish the Appeals Board and assign its duties to the Hearing ExaminerADOPTEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2024-088 14.OrdinanceOrdinance adopting amendments to Whatcom County Code Title 2 (Administration and Personnel) and 3 (Revenue and Finance) to amend the qualifications for serving on the Wildlife Advisory Committee, the composition of the Conservation Easement Program Oversight Committee, and cleaning up the Agricultural Advisory Committee codeADOPTEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2024-091 11.Council AppointmentReconsideration of appointment to a position on the Whatcom County Ferry Advisory Committee, Member: Fabian MendozaDISCUSSED AND MOTION(S) APPROVED  Action details Media Media
AB2024-120 12.Council AppointmentAppointment to vacancies on the Drayton Harbor Shellfish Protection District Advisory Committee, Applicant(s): Katherine GarrahAPPOINTED  Action details -
AB2024-097 11.Executive AppointmentRequest confirmation of the County Executive’s appointments of Charlie Heggem, Becca Shew, and Pete Sharp to the Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory CommitteeCONFIRMEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2024-107 12.Executive AppointmentRequest confirmation of the County Executive’s appointments of Paul Schissler and Ashley Thomasson to the Whatcom County Housing Advisory CommitteeCONFIRMEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2024-108 13.Executive AppointmentRequest confirmation of the County Executive’s appointments of Valerie Billmire and Myla Musselwhite to the Developmental Disabilities Advisory BoardCONFIRMEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2024-109 14.Executive AppointmentRequest confirmation of the County Executive’s appointments of Elma Burnham, Thomas Hoats, and Avery Maverick to the Marine Resources CommitteeCONFIRMEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2024-119 15.Executive AppointmentRequest confirmation of the County Executive’s appointments of David Kershner, Trevor Gearhart, and Alison Moon to the Conservation Easement Program Oversight CommitteeCONFIRMEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2024-131 11.ResolutionResolution amending Resolution 2023-056 to correct the levy amounts for the City of Bellingham and re-certify property tax levies for collection in 2024 to the County AssessorAPPROVEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2024-110 11.OrdinanceOrdinance establishing a project based budget for Eagleridge Stormwater Improvements Project Fund SWP #SWLW24-01INTRODUCEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2024-111 12.Resolution (FCZDBS)Resolution amending the 2024 Flood Control Zone District and Subzones Budget, request no. 1, in the amount of $14,400 (Council acting as the Whatcom County Flood Control Zone District Board of Supervisors)SUBSTITUTE INTRODUCEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2024-114 13.OrdinanceOrdinance establishing a 23-Hour Crisis Relief Center Fund and establishing an initial project based budget for the 23-Hour Crisis Relief Center ProjectINTRODUCEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2024-116 14.OrdinanceOrdinance amending the 2024 Whatcom County Budget, request no. 4, in the amount of $3,247,623INTRODUCEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2024-122 15.OrdinanceOrdinance establishing Whatcom County Code Chapter 3.39 Public Health, Safety, and Justice Facilities and Services Sales and Use TaxSUBSTITUTE INTRODUCEDPass Action details Media Media

Whatcom County, Washington
311 Grand Avenue | Bellingham, WA 98225 | Phone: 360-778-5000