Whatcom County

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Meeting Name: Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 6/20/2023 6:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Hybrid Meeting
HYBRID MEETING (PARTICIPATE IN-PERSON, SEE REMOTE JOIN INSTRUCTIONS AT www.whatcomcounty.us/joinvirtualcouncil, OR CALL 360.778.5010)
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Action Summary: Action Summary Action Summary  
Meeting video:  
Attachments: Combined Packet for June 20, 2023
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsAudio/Video
MIN2023-041 11.Minutes ConsentCommittee of the Whole for June 6, 2023APPROVED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
MIN2023-042 12.Minutes ConsentRegular County Council for June 6, 2023APPROVED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-359 11.ReportWhatcom County Executive Sidhu’s “State of the County” addressREPORTED  Action details Media Media
AB2023-349 11.Resolution Requiring a Public HearingResolution granting a Quitclaim Right of Way Deed to the City of LyndenAPPROVEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-354 12.Ordinance Requiring a Public HearingOrdinance adopting amendments to the Six-Year Capital Improvement Program for Whatcom County Facilities 2023-2028ADOPTEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-356 13.Ordinance Requiring a Public HearingOrdinance adopting Zoning Code amendments relating to density, lot size, setbacks, public water and sewer, and reasonable measures for the Birch Bay UGAADOPTEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-258 14.Ordinance Requiring a Public HearingOrdinance amending Whatcom County Code 10.34, Ferry RatesHEARD PUBLIC TESTIMONY AND HELD IN COUNCILPass Action details -
AB2023-381 11.ContractRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into a contract between Whatcom County and Jessica Dubek, DDS to provide Dental Services for inmates at the Whatcom County Jail and Work Center in the amount of $36,000AUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-385 12.ContractRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into a contract amendment between Whatcom County and The Language Exchange to provide language translation and interpreter services in the amount of $29,600 for a total amended contract amount of $83,600AUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-388 13.ContractRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into a Contract Amendment for Supplemental Agreement No. 2 between Whatcom County and Geo Test Services, Inc., in the amount of $50,000AUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-392 14.ContractRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into a contract amendment for Local Agency Agreement Supplemental No. 1 between Whatcom County and the Washington State Department of Transportation, in the amount of $1,974,900, for a total amended amount of $10,972,210.00AUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-408 15.ContractRequest authorization for County Executive to enter into a contract amendment between Whatcom County and Department of Commerce for pass through funding for direct public services to low and moderate income people in Whatcom, Island and San Juan counties in the amount of $134,000 for a total amended amount of $265,000AUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-409 16.ContractRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into a contract between Whatcom County and Status Electrical Corporation, dba Status Automation to provide design, installation, programming and maintenance of the Digital Video Management System (DVMS) at various Whatcom County facilities, in the amount of $58,975.04AUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-394 17.Contract (FCZDBS)Request authorization for the County Executive to enter into a contract between Whatcom County and the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to repair the Timon Levee along the right bank of the Nooksack River located between the towns of Everson and Lynden, in the amount of $405,207, which is 20% of the total estimated cost of $2,025,984 (Council acting as the Whatcom County Flood Control Zone District Board of Supervisors)AUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-395 18.Contract (FCZDBS)Request authorization for the County Executive to enter into a contract between Whatcom County and US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to repair the Upper Hampton Levee along the right bank of the Nooksack River located between the towns of Everson and Lynden, in the amount of $221,804, which is 20% of the total amount of $1,109,020 (Council acting as the Whatcom County Flood Control Zone District Board of Supervisors)AUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-376 19.InterlocalRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into an interlocal agreement between Whatcom County and Washington State Department of Social and Health Services to outline general terms and conditions that govern the work to be performed under agreements between DSHS and Whatcom CountyAUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-386 110.InterlocalRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into an interlocal agreement amendment between Whatcom County and Snohomish County Health Department to support participation in planning and engagement in youth cannabis and tobacco prevention strategies and activities in the amount of $14,928 for a total amended agreement amount of $97,928AUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-389 111.InterlocalRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into a contract amendment between Whatcom County and the US Forest Service for Jail Work Crew Services in the amount of $109,512.00, for a total of $353,520.00AUTHORIZED BY CONSENTPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-390 11.Memorandum of AgreementRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement between the County, Nooksack Indian Tribe, Lummi Nation, and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife to guide remediation of County culverts that block salmon passageAUTHORIZEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-374 12.OrdinanceOrdinance amending the 2023 Whatcom County Budget, request no. 9, in the amount of $842,550ADOPTEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-375 13.OrdinanceOrdinance amending the project budget for the Hovander Park Building Improvements Project, request no. 1ADOPTEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-382 14.ContractRequest authorization for the County Executive to enter into a contract amendment between Whatcom County and Opportunity Council to support operations at the permanent supportive housing facility known as 22 North in the amount of $304,550 for a total amended contract amount of $838,102AUTHORIZEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-403 15.ResolutionResolution on the interpretation and retroactive application of ambiguous language in WCC 10.34.030, Use of Ferry Fee RevenueAPPROVEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-361 11.Council Appointment Requiring IntroductionAppointment to vacancies on the Public Health Advisory Board, Applicant(s): Matthew Durkee, Madison Emry, Robyn Phillips-MadsonAPPOINTED  Action details Media Media
AB2023-380 12.Council AppointmentAppointment to a vacancy on the Open Space Advisory Committee, Applicant(s): Gary CasseraAPPOINTEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-384 11.Executive AppointmentRequest confirmation of the County Executive’s appointment of Dylan Deane-Boyle to the Lodging Tax Advisory CommitteeCONFIRMEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-400 12.Executive AppointmentRequest confirmation of the County Executive’s appointments to the Whatcom Racial Equity Commission (WREC) Appointment CommitteeCONFIRMEDPass Action details Media Media
AB2023-397 11.Ordinance Requiring a Public HearingOrdinance amending Whatcom County Code Chapter 20.14, Wind Energy Systems, and Chapter 20.97, DefinitionsINTRODUCED FOR PUBLIC HEARINGPass Action details -
AB2023-399 12.Ordinance Requiring a Public HearingOrdinance adopting various amendments to WCC Title 20, Zoning, regarding home-based businessesDISCUSSED AND MOTION(S) APPROVED  Action details Media Media
AB2023-415 13.Ordinance Requiring a Public HearingOrdinance providing for submission of a proposition to the qualified electors of Whatcom County pursuant to RCW 82.14.450 authorizing the collection of a local sales and use tax of two-tenths of one percent for the purpose of providing funds for costs associated with public health, safety and justice facilities and services, including behavioral health, supportive housing, public safety, and criminal justice facilities and programsWITHDRAWN  Action details Media Media
AB2023-416 14.Ordinance Requiring a Public HearingOrdinance amending Whatcom County Code Section 11.20.025, Flotation Devices on the South Fork of the Nooksack River, to better protect ESA-listed Chinook salmon   Action details Media Media
AB2023-416 14.Ordinance Requiring a Public HearingOrdinance amending Whatcom County Code Section 11.20.025, Flotation Devices on the South Fork of the Nooksack River, to better protect ESA-listed Chinook salmonSUBSTITUTE INTRODUCED FOR PUBLIC HEARINGPass Action details Media Media

Whatcom County, Washington
311 Grand Avenue | Bellingham, WA 98225 | Phone: 360-778-5000