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Ordinance amending the 2024 Whatcom County Budget, request No. 6 in the amount of $8,600,501
Supplemental #6 requests funding from the General Fund:
1. To appropriate $260,930 in Non-Departmental to fund Department of Commerce JAG grant for Criminal Justice Data and IT.
2. To appropriate $43,111 in District Court to fund Court Clerk position.
3. To appropriate $84,102 in County Clerk to fund Minor Guardianship Facilitator position.
4. To appropriate $103,404 in Superior Court to fund Court Certified Spanish Interpreter position.
5. To appropriate $112,912 in Superior Court to fund Family and Juvenile Court Improvement Program Coordinator positon.
6. To appropriate $17,523 in Sheriff to fund Recreational Boating Safety grant 2024.
7. To appropriate $2,800 in Sheriff to fund Washington State Association of Sheriff's and Police Chiefs traffic safety grant equipment 2024.
8. To appropriate $283,501 in Health to fund Vape Settlement Youth Cannabis and Tobacco Prevention Services costs.
9. To appropriate $15,400 in Health to fund Washington State Department of Children, Youth, and Families grant increase.
10. To appropriate $155,000 in Health to fund Foundational Public Health grant spending on pubic communication.
11. To appropriate $183,200 in Health to fund Foundational Public Health grant spending on Environmental Health.
12. To appropriate $74,000 in Health to fund Foundational Public Health grant spending on Information and Data Assessments.
13. To record $35,829 in Health to fund operating transfer in for Response Systems Special Projects Manager - companion to supplemental #4623.
From the Jail Fund:
14. To appropriate $20,000 to fund transfer for contribution to Justice Data and IT project - companion to supplemental #4588.
From the Election Reserve Fund:
15. To appropriate $240,000 to fund Preseidential Primary Election Costs.
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