Whatcom County

All meeting documents starting in 2019 and file titles back to 1990 are searchable in this database by using the navigation tabs and drop-down search filters below (see the "User Guide" tab). 
Meeting information, Ordinances, and Resolutions prior to 2019 that have been posted online can still be accessed using the "Meetings Prior to 2019" tab.

File #: AB2025-190    Version: 1
Type: Council Appointment Status: Appointed
File created: 2/24/2025 In control: Council
On agenda: 3/11/2025 Final action: 3/11/2025
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Appointment to a vacancy on the Noxious Weed Control Board, District 4 position, Applicant: Alexander Vondrell
Attachments: 1. Noxious Weed Board Recommendation, 2. Vondrell Application, 3. Weed Control District Map
Department Council Office

Primary Contact Email:    JNixon@co.whatcom.wa.us




Appointment to a vacancy on the Noxious Weed Control Board, District 4 position, Applicant: Alexander Vondrell







1 Vacancy, 4-year term. Must reside in Noxious Weed District 4 and have ten signatures from registered voters in that district.  Current members eligible to reapply. 


District No. 4 - North Boundary follows Slater and Bakerview Rds.; South Boundary follows Galbraith Rd. east to west through Hale Passage excluding Lummi Island; East and West Boundaries are the same as for Whatcom County.


To view map of Noxious Weed Board districts visit our website. The Board promotes education on management of listed noxious weeds such as tansy ragwort, knapweed, purple loosestrife, knotweed and their impacts on natural resources.  Meets every other month.  Please call the Weed Board Coordinator at 360-778-6234 for more information.


WCC 2.27.040 Composition.

The board shall consist of five voting members, one from each section/district. The board shall be appointed as provided in RCW 17.10.050.


RCW 17.10.050

Activated county noxious weed control board-Members-Election-Terms-Meetings-Quorum-Expenses-Officers-Vacancy.

(2)(b) …All persons interested in appointment to the board and residing in the geographical area with a pending nomination shall make a written application that includes the signatures of at least ten registered voters residing in the geographical area supporting the nomination to the county noxious weed control board. After nominations close, the county noxious weed control board shall, after a hearing, send the applications to the county legislative authority recommending the names of the most qualified candidates, and…

Whatcom County, Washington
311 Grand Avenue | Bellingham, WA 98225 | Phone: 360-778-5000