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Ordinance amending the 2021 Whatcom County Budget, request no. 4, in the amount of $3,397,903
Supplemental #4 requests funding from the General Fund:
1. To appropriate $14,532 in Non-Departmental to add additional funding to What-Comm 911 Operations grant program.
2. To appropriate $1,222,459 in Non-Departmental to fund Opportunity Council CDBG microenterprise and housing rehab programs, and a coronavirus response program, from grant proceeds.
3. To re-appropriate $93,942 in Sheriff to fund the FY18 Operation Stonegarden program.
4. To appropriate $9,240 in Sheriff to fund WASPC traffic safety equipment grant program.
5. To appropriate $33,324 in Planning & Development Services to fund the review and evaluation phase of the Buildable Lands program from grant proceeds.
6. To appropriate $425,000 in Health to fund COVID-19 response and vaccination programs from grant proceeds.
From the Election Reserve Fund:
7. To re-appropriate $32,945 to fund Center for Tech and Civic Life grant program activities.
From the Parks Special Revenue Fund:
8. To appropriate $168,000 to fund Birch Bay Beach Park frontage and site improvements.
Conservation Futures Fund:
9. To appropriate $220,000 to fund PDR support services and the Martin Agricultural Conservation Easement acquisition.
From Real Estate Excise Tax II Fund:
10. To re-appropriate $63,165 to fund transfer in support of the Academy Rd stormwater project.
From Real Estate Excise Tax I Fund:
11. To appropriate $1,070,296 to fund Plantation Rifle Range roof and HVAC project.
From the Public Utilities Improvement (EDI) Fund:
12. To appropriate $45,000 to fund additional design work for NW Annex redevelopment.
In addition, Supplemental #4 requests to add 3 FTE Custodian positions in AS-Facilities.