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Ordinance amending the 2022 Whatcom County Budget, request no. 5, in the amount of $7,750,231
Supplemental #5 requests funding from the General Fund:
1. To appropriate $473,000 in Health to fund COVID isolation services from grant proceeds.
2. To appropriate $286,460 in Non Departmental to fund transfer to Emergency Management for temp extra help for flood recovery.
3. To appropriate $75,000 in Non Departmental to fund WWU Longhouse construction from historic preservation restricted funding.
4. To appropriate $60,000 in Planning & Development Services to fund Cascadia Law Group contract amendment to continue to address SEPA issue.
5. To appropriate $164,182 in Prosecuting Attorney to fund transfer to Behavioral Health Fund in support of LEAD positions from Health Care Authority grant proceeds.
6. To appropriate $5,000 in Sheriff to fund participation in Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces from grant proceeds.
7. To appropriate $45,000 in Sheriff to fund body worn cameras and interview room cameras.
8. To appropriate $405,600 in Sheriff to fund FY20 Operation Stonegarden program from grant proceeds.
9. To appropriate $69,884 in Sheriff to fund less lethal equipment from Department of Commerce grant proceeds.
From the Whatcom County Jail Fund:
10. To appropriate $156,342 to fund increase in cost of Jail physician services.
11. To appropriate $97,200 fund increased Jail psychiatric services.
12. To appropriate $50,000 to fund Kittitas County Jail beds.
From the Behavioral Health Programs Fund:
13. To appropriate $1,121,094 in Health to fund 14 FTEs for Response Division GRACE & LEAD programs.
From the Countywide Emergency Medical Services Fund:
14. To appropriate $14,576 to fund increase in Stryker equipment lease contract.
15. To appropriate $150,000 to partially fund Lynden Station 75 renovations for 5th medic unit imple...
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