Primary Contact Email:
Ordinance amending the 2025 Whatcom County Budget, request no. 2, in the amount of $4,751,265
Note: Item 20 below was revised as shown below and in substitute attachments.
Supplemental #2 requests funding from the General Fund:
1. To appropriate $76,500 in Council to fund Professional Services for Investigative Committee.
2. To appropriate $12,500 in District Court to fund increases for Whatcom Dispute Resolution Center contract.
3. To appropriate $52,509 in Executive to fund two vacant reclassified positions; companion to Suppl 4888.
4. To appropriate $22,500 in Health to fund recover navigator in 2025 (Jan-July).
5. To appropriate $72,100 in Health to fund Substance Use Disorder professional with grant proceeds.
6. To appropriate $20,000 in Non-Departmental to fund Sustainable Connections Program with Whatcom Housing Alliance.
7. To decrease appropriation of $52,509 in Non-Departmental to fund companion for two reclassed vacancies; companion to #4887.
8. To appropriate $47,210 in Non-Departmental to fund companion for Facilities Coordinator I; companion to #4850 and #4889.
9. To appropriate $190,000 in Non-Departmental to fund Office of Health Study from grant proceeds.
From the Emergency Management Fund:
10. To appropriate $353,853 in Sheriff to fund community service and recovery following Nov 21, 2024 Weather Event from grant proceeds.
11. To appropriate $121,500 in Sheriff to fund Bomb Cyclone 2024 Individual Assistance from grant proceeds.
From the Parks Special Revenue Fund:
12. To appropriate $290,000 to fund Hovander Homestead Park’s Vision Plan.
From the Homeless Housing Fund:
13. To appropriate $679,750 to fund underspent 2024 Consolidated Homeless Grant proceeds.
From the Behavioral Health Program Fund:
14. To appropriate $81,420 to fund Overdose Data Action 2025 program from grant proceeds.
From the County Road Fund:
15. To appropriate $3,080 to fund road fund companion for ferry insurance; companion to #4872.
From the Real Estate Excise Tax II Fund:
16. To appropriate $85,000 in Parks & Recreation to fund Samish Park Pedestrian Bridge Replacement.
17. To appropriate $955,363 in Parks & Recreation to fund Van Zandt Community Hall Renovation.
From the Real Estate Excise Tax I Fund:
18. To appropriate $70,000 to fund reappropriation of Prosecuting Attorney tenant improvements.
From the Public Utilities Improvement Fund:
19. To appropriate $700,000 in Non-Departmental to fund Habitat Land acquisition.
20. To appropriate $376,000 in Non-Departmental to fund Atwood Culvert replacement.
From the Ferry System Fund:
21. To appropriate $6,844 to fund ferry insurance increase; companion to #4873.
From the Administrative Services Fund:
22. To record a labor pool request with a net $0 expenditure in AS-Facilities Management to fund Facilities Coordinator 1 position.
23. To appropriate $47,210 in AS-Facilities Management to fund Facilities Coordinator 1; companion to #4850 and #4890.
From the Equipment Rental Fund:
24. To appropriate $540,435 to fund Prisoner Transport.