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Ordinance amending the 2023 Whatcom County Budget, request no. 4, in the amount of $7,015,999
Supplemental #4 requests funding from the General Fund:
1. To appropriate $20,000 in Assessor to fund document recording charges from fees collected from property owners.
2. To record $13,473 operating transfer revenues in Health.
3. To appropriate $12,600 in Sheriff to fund traffic safety equipment from grant proceeds.
4. To appropriate $20,000 in Sheriff to fund Drug Task Force overtime from grant proceeds.
5. To appropriate $36,188 in Sheriff to fund training from legislative funds for Use of Force and Duty to Intervene classes.
From the Road Fund:
6. To appropriate $10,100 in Public Works to fund increase in Total Station capital equipment costs (also amends Exhibit B Capital Appropriations).
From the Homeless Housing Fund:
7. To appropriate $17,807 in Health to partially fund Housing Specialist position.
8. To appropriate $1,804,148 in Health to fund State Consolidated Housing Grant Program amendment from grant proceeds.
9. To appropriate $172,111 in Health to fund Shelter Grant Program amendment from grant proceeds.
From the Behavioral Health Program Fund:
10. To record $26,000 of additional NW HIDTA grant revenues in Superior Court - Drug Court Program.
From the Lake Whatcom Storm Water Utility Fund:
11. To appropriate $420,000 to fund transfer to Academy Road Project Based Budget Fund in support of project budget amendment #3.
From the Affordable Housing, Behavioral Health Facility Fund:
12. To appropriate $75,493 in Health to partially fund new Housing Specialist position.
13. To record $71,227 labor pool entry in Health for new Housing Specialist position (also amends Exhibit C Position Control Changes).
From the Emergency Management Fund:
14. To appropriate $35,750 to fund Cellebrite software purchase from grant proceeds.
15. To appropriate $396,000 to fund December 2022 Flood Assistance Program from grant proceeds.
From Real Estate Excise Tax II Fund:
16. To appropriate $268,500 in Non Departmental to fund transfer to Academy Road Project Based Budget Fund in support of project budget amendment #3.
17. To appropriate $92,086 in Parks to fund Stimpson Family Nature Reserve Parking Lot Improvement (also amends Exhibit B Capital Appropriations).
18. To re-appropriate $100,016 in Parks to fund Lookout Mountain Road repairs, partially from grant proceeds (also amends Exhibit B Capital Appropriations).
19. To re-appropriate $168,350 in Parks to fund Lighthouse Marine Park Siding and Roofing project (also amends Exhibit B Capital Appropriations).
From Real Estate Excise Tax I Fund:
20. To appropriate $93,623 in Parks to fund Parks Admin Offices HVAC Replacement and Upgrade (also amends Exhibit B Capital Appropriations).
21. To appropriate $202,000 in AS-Facilities to fund transfer in support of courthouse security improvements in the Courthouse Improvements Project Based Budget.
From the Public Utilities Improvement Fund:
22. To re-appropriate $500,000 to fund Blaine’s Wellfield (previously Harvey Rd) Water Pump Station project.
23. To re-appropriate $2,500,000 to fund Blaine’s sewer rehabilitation project.